Isn't it mashma from the Gemora Shabbos 55a that what happened in churban bayis rishon (that the tzadikim were killed because they did not protest) was an exception to the rule? There was the only time that there was a recanting of the nevuah! According to what you were saying from the Tzlach in the Rambam with Rabbi Shulzinger and Rabbi Sender's explanation - every nevuah is given over with such a stipulation! What was the exception there?
This instance, explains Rabbi Shulzinger, is a true exception. The Gemora is clear that the tzadikim did not commit any new transgression. The midas hadin complained to the Ribbono shel Olam that the tzadikim are not deserving to be protected. The Ribbono shel Olam listened and recanted His earlier guarantee for the tzadikim. It demonstrates the magnitude of the sin for not rebuking others when you observe them transgressing. For this sin was committed prior to Hashem's commandment, and yet, He retracted because of the severity. This is truly an astonishing Gemora, but we understand now why it's an exception to the rule.
Isn't it mashma from the Gemora Shabbos 55a that what happened in churban bayis rishon (that the tzadikim were killed because they did not protest) was an exception to the rule? There was the only time that there was a recanting of the nevuah! According to what you were saying from the Tzlach in the Rambam with Rabbi Shulzinger and Rabbi Sender's explanation - every nevuah is given over with such a stipulation! What was the exception there?
This instance, explains Rabbi Shulzinger, is a true exception. The Gemora is clear that the tzadikim did not commit any new transgression. The midas hadin complained to the Ribbono shel Olam that the tzadikim are not deserving to be protected. The Ribbono shel Olam listened and recanted His earlier guarantee for the tzadikim. It demonstrates the magnitude of the sin for not rebuking others when you observe them transgressing. For this sin was committed prior to Hashem's commandment, and yet, He retracted because of the severity. This is truly an astonishing Gemora, but we understand now why it's an exception to the rule.
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